The home of neuro athletic tools

We make neuro athletic training accessible and simple – whether you are an athlete or a trainer.


Of course. You can either send an E-Mail or head over to our GitHub page and create a new "issue" where you describe the feature request / bug.

iPad: use the Safari Browser
iPhone: you have to add this website to your homescreen in order for it to be launched in an immersive mode.
Android: if you don't want the "drag from top and touch the back button..." notification to pop in you can simply add this page to your homescreen for it to be launched as a fullscreen app.

iPhone and iPad: the permission to access the orientation sensor is disabled by default. It can be enabled at "Settings > Safari > Privacy & Security > Motion and Orientation Access".

This feature can be disabled at "Settings > General > Accessibility > Shake to Undo".

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